?Shudder? Free Watch Top Gun

?Shudder? Free Watch Top Gun



Average rating=7,1 of 10. actor=Kelly McGillis. Writed by=Ehud Yonay. brief=Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell is an expert United States Naval Aviator. When he encounters a pair of MiGs over the Persian Gulf, his wingman is clearly outflown and freaks. On almost no fuel, Maverick is able to talk him back down to the carrier. When his wingman turns in his wings, Maverick is moved up in the standings and sent to the Top Gun Naval Flying School. There he fights the attitudes of the other pilots and an old story of his father"s death in combat that killed others due to his father"s error. Maverick struggles to be the best pilot, stepping on the toes of his other students. USA.

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